Friday, July 10, 2009

Oh, the vastness of technology

Look! You can see the peach's fuzz!!!

I made a big purchase today...quite possiby the biggest purchase (money wise) that has been made in our household for quite some time.

I bought a very cool, very professional looking, very expensive (at least for us) digital camera. I am super excited about. Surprisingly, Chad is super excited about it, as opposed to mad, which is what I thought he may be after finding out that I bought such an expensive little "surprise" on my lunch hour. The only problem is I don't know a DANG thing about photography and, because this camera has so many cool features, I should probably get my learnin' on and figure out how to make the most of my purchase.

I used to think I was pretty technologically saavy. But when I realized that Apple didn't even MAKE my iPod mini anymore, I came to the realization that technology today moves much faster than me or my wallet. So here I am, iPhone-less, with no flat screen tv, and no Blu-Ray player. I also don't text frequently, like my younger cousins, niece, and step-daughter do. When I was younger, my idea of cool included bag cell phones and the see through home phones that lighted up when it rang. Remember those? Anybody else feeling old?

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