Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Smushy Peaches

I was telling Chad's aunt, Y, this weekend that I blogged. I was a little concerned about what she would think because a lot of people are still under the impression that blogging is, well, nerdy. Until I started doing it myself, I thought the same thing. Aunt Y was really interested in it, though, and then Chad said, "Well, tell her about the name." The name of my blog, that is. I don't think I've ever shared why I changed this blog's name from "For Keeps" to what it is now.

In all honesty, I chose the current name of the blog just out of the blue. I wanted a title that showed who I was and what I was about without being trite, annoying, or boring. I am Southern (anyone who reads this blog knows that I'm all about the South), I love coffee (especially Starbucks), and I really do have OCD which some people refer to as "crazy" and it's a condition that leaves me feeling crazy a lot of the time. That's not the only reason I chose that word though...I was really talking about my busy life and learning to be a wife, rather than referring to my struggles with a mental illness. The "Cuppa" part is actually a funny story and comes from something other than the fact that we South Carolinians don't say "cup of", we say "cuppa" when asking for a beverage, or in this case, explaining a recipe.

So here's the story of the "cuppa":
Two years ago, back when I first moved in with Chad and was all enthralled with the idea of cooking and cleaning for my man, we went to a produce stand one Saturday, which isn't anything too exciting because down here, produce stands pop up like kudzu. We were browsing the peaches and I noticed one lady hovering over a basket of shriveley, smushy peaches, but didn't think anything of it and kept up my chatter of telling Chad how much I wanted to make a peach cobbler and didn't know how and how I would never live up to Martha Stewart and her domesticated self. Well, this older lady looked up at me with her smushy peaches and said, "Honey, making a peach cobbler is so easy! It's just a cuppa, cuppa, cuppa...a cuppa sugar, a cuppa flour, and a cuppa milk. You just pour that over your peaches and bake it and it's delicious! And you need to use overripe peaches, too, not firm ones." Which explained two mysteries: how to make a peach cobbler and why the lady was hogging all the rotten looking peaches.

I went home that day and made my first peach cobbler and it was out of this world, if I do say so myself. That sweet lady was the epitome of "Southerness", in my opinion - open, friendly, and willing to give you advice, whether you ask for it or not. I have never forgotten her or that day at the produce stand and every time I make a peach cobbler, Chad and I laugh and remember to add a cuppa, cuppa, cuppa.

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