Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Staycation Time!

Next week is one that I am very much looking forward's the week of my Staycation with Chad. It is my hubby's spring break and since we are being good Dave Ramsey followers (three credit cards will be paid off this month - woohoo!), we are just going to hang out and enjoy ourselves without going anywhere. I am so excited I can't stand it!

I have not had a full week off work in a REALLY REALLY long time. Because of a huge contract win, I did not get to take a really good vacation over Thanksgiving, Christmas, or New Year's like I usually do. Great for my job? Absolutely. Great for my sanity? Not so much. I really need some decompression time and there are no major holidays (other than Easter, of course), no pressing social engagements, and no house renovations/redecorating on the horizon for our Staycation. So what in the world are we going to do with ourselves, you ask?

1. I plan on making some serious time for my Nook. Currently, I am in the middle of both Game Change and Going Rogue (I heart Sarah Palin). I want to finish both by the start of next week so I can start something new. By the way, both the books I'm reading now are fantastic, if you like non-fiction. Chad can play PS3 while I Nook. And everyone's happy.

2. I am going to suggest that we make a day trip up to Asheville or Hendersonville so we can check out some of those great, unique gift shops and antique stores that we never seem to find time to visit.

3. I am going to hang out with my doggies and take them to the dog park or to my dad's so they can get some of that energy out! The winter has been long for them, too, bless their hearts.

4. I am NOT going to clean. Maybe some laundry and general pick up, but NO cleaning. It will be difficult, but I'm just NOT.

5. I am NOT going to check my work email. Okay, that's a total lie. I am so going to check my work email because I have a serious control problem and worry constantly. Evidently, the pointing and clicking of my mouse at home over various emails will alleviate work fears and anxieties. Pexeva will, too, and lucky for me, I have a prescription.

6. I am going to continue my workout to run a 5K. This includes walking for like, 30 minutes a day, and I'm going to do it in the morning because I never get to be out and about in the mornings. I am very much looking forward to it.

7. Chad and I are going to see a movie. In the middle of the day, when it's cheaper. What movie, I do not know. But we're going.

So that is my Staycation plan. Have you ever had a Staycation?

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