Monday, February 2, 2009

Another day, Another diet

I'm sure there are a lot of women out there who want to lose 10 lbs, so I know that many people will relate to this story:
I was always the skinny one. I could eat whatever I wanted and not gain weight. I was a size 4-6. However, in the period of about one year, I went from a size 6 to a size 12. Kid you not. I had no clue that you could gain weight that fast, but evidently, my metabolism shut down and my calorie storage went into overdrive. It was so disconcerting that I went to a couple of doctors, begging for answers. My doctor who did my annual physical in 2007 said I was borderline diabetic, had horrible cholesterol (at 24), and basically needed to get the weight off ASAP. Shocked? Very much so. My doctor also mentioned a term called "Metabolic Syndrome" that I just took as "you are way too fat and this is a nice way to put that you are plain lazy."
I didn't really think much about the metabolic syndrome thing and went my merry way, determined to get the weight off.
I started with the South Beach Diet and lost a few pounds. Then, I got engaged and kicked it into high gear, working out and counting calories and fat grams. After working my tail off, I lost a big 'ole total of 23 lbs in 8 months. Not that great, to be honest. Yes, I was down a size, but 4 months after my wedding and not working out, I had gained almost all my weight back. When they weighed me last week, I was devastated, and more than sure that all this was due to hypothyroidism. I got my results back on Thursday. I don't have hypothyroidism. Duh.
Anyway, at the end of my rope this weekend, and more depressed than I have been in a really long time, I went searching for SOMETHING to help me, something beyond the diet pills and semi-bulemia that I inflicted on myself in order to fit into a wedding dress. It just so happened that I found a book based all around that crazy medical term, metabolic syndrome, that my doctor had mentioned to me over a year ago.
Long story short, I am now on a new diet and feel good. I can't have coffee, though, unless it's plain because sugar (even if it's aspartame) can raise my insulin levels and cause them to spike, which is the culprit in all this. I am eating (or trying to eat) at least 5 small meals a day. I'm hoping I can stick to this because it's almost spring, my favorite time of the year. I want to feel good in spring and summer clothes again. I know I have a long road ahead, but my goal is 40 lbs. Keep me in your prayers and I'll keep you updated!

1 comment:

The Traveling Turtle said...

What book did you read about this? I stumbled onto your blog off of Big Mama and was nodding my head (yes) with you the whole time I read your post! I too gained an insane amount of weight in a year and thought the only possible answer was thyroid. it wasn't. but i suspect it may be more along the lines of what you are talking about here. please share. :)

sarah (underscore) blazer (at) yahoo (dot) com.