Tuesday, April 28, 2009

A Hairy Situation

I think we've all been where I was this morning - outfit picked out and ready to go and, low and behold, it's a dress to show off that fab faux tan! The only problem is the dang clock - it's saying you need to leave in oh, 20 minutes, and you still haven't gotten in the shower yet. And here's the question - to shave or not to shave? Your legs that is. (Your arm pits, now there is just no excuse. I'm sorry. Just DO it - there is no other alternative. We don't live in some quaint Parisian oasis, ya'll.)

So you take a quick hairy leg inventory:

1. Is it THAT noticeable? Possibly, since the last time your gams saw a hint of razor was last week before the faux tan session. However, the faux tan could possibly cover it up a bit.

2. How short is the dress? Is it pulling a Bob Jones and down to your ankles? Uh, no. It's knee length actually. You're pretty progressive that way.

3. Is there ANY way you can pull it off in time? YEAH RIGHT. That's all I'm saying.

So...because you don't want to explain to everyone that no, it wasn't a suicide attempt, it was just a bad shaving morning, you risk it. Like I did. This morning. Yes, ya'll, my legs are looking quite European today. So don't look too closely. But stare all you want at my arm pits. They're just fab.

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