Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Sick Day Monday

So I spent yesterday at home sick with the swine flu. JUST kidding! But if you smelled my house, you would think that the swine flu or maybe even actual swine lived there. No, we do not keep pigs in the sunroom, but I do live with a man and two dogs. You do the math.

I did have a sore throat yesterday, probably thanks to the glorious weather we've been having. It's a small price to pay for sunshine though. I feel much better today, no thanks to my dog, Jake, who decided to have a serious upset stomach at 4:00 am. I will spare you the details, but it was not something to wake up to in the middle of the night.

Since yesterday was probably the most boring day of my life, I really don't have much to write about. I could let ya'll in on the little tiff hubby and I had about where/what to eat last night, but we've all been there done that, right? We're both over it, by the way, because it was a pretty ridiculous thing to tiff over, as most things are.

Oh! The band we saw on Saturday night was GREAT - the Piedmont Boys. Now, I want to go ahead and warn you - they do swear in their songs. Pretty badly. But they are a talented bunch and they have the same kind of sound as Robert Earl Keen, so if you like that kind of thing, look them up. The restaurant/bar was a bit...different. Quaker Steak & Lube - the name sums it up well. They also have an interesting feature - you can order what amounts to your own personal keg of beer, served in a huge tube (why a tube?), at your table. I was amazed. What will these restauranteurs think of next?

This is probably the worst post I have ever written. I am hoping that my week is much more exciting than this post and that I will write about and someone out there will read about it. Stay tuned.

1 comment:

Mommie of 2 said...

i hear that place is.... different! i hope you feel better soon puddin' pop! even on 'boring' days you make me laugh...