Thursday, May 7, 2009

The Curious Case of a Long Movie

Since Chad is going camping with his buddies this weekend in the mountains, we decided to veg out last night and watch a movie. I didn't know that my butt would be grown into the couch after it was over because I was sitting for so long.
The movie in question was "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" and since we are on a budget and rarely go to movies anymore, it was $1.00 at the RedBox vending machine in Bloom. With the groceries I bought for dinner last night, our "date night" totaled about $11.00. Can't beat it.
Anyway, this movie is the one with Brad Pitt and Cate Blanchett and Brad Pitt is born old and instead of progressively getting older he does the opposite and gets younger. Okay, first of all, can I just get an Amen on how hot Brad is? The man is a freak of nature, I'm convinced. He looks as good now as he ever has, and I'm including his Tristan ("Legend of the Falls") days when I feel like I should have been the one who galloped around with him on his wild horse. Wow, I just remembered that I'm married. Love you Chad. And Cate Blanchett - I can't decide if I think she is incredibly beautiful or not. She is a fantastic actress and I'm about to google whether or not she was a previous ballet dancer because she dances in the movie and does it beautifully.
Okay back to actual is long. It's good and definitely worth watching (anything that is based on a Fitzgerald novel is - did I mention he's one of my favorite authors?), but be prepared to be watching it for A WHILE. It left me with that same feeling "Forrest Gump" left me with - happy that I had seen it and feeling like I had learned something, but sad, too. Just to forewarn you. Oh and Julia Ormond is in this movie, too, which I didn't know. I adore Julia Ormond! I think she is just absolutely beautiful and such a wonderful actress.
One of the most poignant quotes from the movie is this, by Mrs. Maple:
"Benjamin, we're meant to lose the people we love. How else would we know how important they are to us? "
You need to watch it. If you already have, let me know if you liked it (and if you swooned over Brad as much as I did)!

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