Thursday, May 7, 2009

I do not hook up.

I have that Kelly Clarkson song stuck in my head. And I just know made it play on Youtube. Does Kelly have a lisp by the way? I really feel that this is going to be my summer anthem. However, one that the radio station is trying their dangdest to make the summer song of '09 is The Ting Tings song about it not being her name. How random people with random band names get famous and have their random lyrics played on radio stations is beyond me. Remember "Barbie Girl" by Aqua? I rest my case. Mmmkay.

So on Sunday I am going to eat Mother's Day brunch with my mama (duh), step-dad, and his mother, M.E., who is down from Atlanta this weekend. She is such a character - a lapsed Catholic turned Protestant who is very kind but very blunt. When she met my college boyfriend for the first time, she let me and everyone else know in so many words that he pretty much sucked. You know why? Because he didn't walk me to the door after dropping me off. She is hard core concerning decorum and manners. And ya'll, let me tell you, she was absolutely right. But when she met Chad? Dear Lord, she glowed. I know she'll be disappointed that 'ole Mr. Butler won't be there to chat with at Sunday brunch, but, because Chad can really do no wrong in anyone's eyes, she will forgive him, much like I will because he really is a prince among men. Honey, I am trying to make up for lusting after Brad Pitt Thursday night, kay?

What are my plans for the weekend since my hubby will be away? I got faux tanned again and am smelling delightful since you aren't supposed to put on deoderant until 24 hours after you are tanned. I also worked for a total of five minutes so I can relax about not working, and I may take down some more wall paper border while simultaneously doing laundry and making sure my dogs don't defecate on the hardwoods. Tonight is a spend the night party with my mama with some girl bonding time. Saturday includes Jazzercising in the a.m., maybe tanning 'fo reals' (with SPF 15) outside and reading a book (the 8th Sookie Stackhouse is out in paperback), possibly attending the Steinmart 12 hour sale - oh yes it's on - and then dinner and a movie with Chelle with a wine after party at her house. Gossip will be involved, along with some random Jazzercise moves if the wine is good. And of course, on Sunday after brunch, my honey comes home, probably with an acute case of poison oak. Heaven help me.

Ya'll have a good weekend. - see why I don't hook up.

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