Monday, May 11, 2009

And I'm About To Fall Asleep In My Coffee

Whew. I need a weekend for my weekend. It's been a while since my Saturday and Sunday were so full. Also, Happy Mother's Day to my moms and all the other mamas out there! I hope that you got lots of comfy TJ Maxx pajamas and discounted hardback books.

So I got to spend some quality time with my mom on Friday and Saturday, which, even though I see her several times a week and talk to her several hundred times a day, is rare. We shopped, chatted, wined, and dined. I also got to know a bit more about mama's taste in men. Apparently she likes 25 year old waiters from Ruby Tuesdays. That have a criminal record. Now, don't get me wrong, she is head over heels for my step-dad, but she did make several comments on how cute this waiter was. He did have pretty eyes, but I was also sure that he most likely had VD. And did I mention that he had a record? That he told us about? Along with his family drama? Note to guys out there trying to pick up married women: leave the family drama out of it. We have our own and we are most likely not going to feel sorry for you. Save it for Dr. Phil, baby. Oh and we're most likely not going to dump our husbands to come back and date you. Unless we starred with Glenn Close in "Fatal Attraction" and if that's the case, heaven help you and your VD.

I spent the night with Chelle on Saturday night and after going to see "Ghosts of Girlfriends Past" we had wine night and a lot of laughing on her porch until the wee hours. Seriously, I find that I am a night owl when I'm with Chelle. Maybe it's because after every glass of wine consumed, she tells me, "you are not going to bed right now" and since she is a federal probation officer, I pretty much do what she says.

Sunday was filled with lots of Mother's Day things, including seeing my blunt step-grandmother, ME, who happened to read the post I wrote about her. She thought it was hilarious. Love you, ME!

My honey came home after camping smelling like camp smoke and dirt. I was so happy to see him (especially after he showered after NOT showering in 2 days). So now it's back to the grind after a weekend apart. But, did I mention that I was really really glad to have him back?

1 comment:

Ronder said...

Well, reading this blog along with your stepfather was quite interesting! Ha! Gotta keep 'em on his toes... :-)