Thursday, May 14, 2009

I'm Not Dr. Doolittle, But...

Remember the cat that we thought was definitely preggers? Turns out, ladies and gentleman, that Chad and I were right. And the reason we know this? There are three, three bundles of joy roaming around various places in our yard - mostly under our house, under our deck, and under our air conditioning unit. They also look exactly like Smoky Mama Cat - we put two and two together and figured it out. The hubby and I are smart that way.

So I'm in the shower last night and Chad comes in and is freaking out, like, "you've got to come look at these baby kitties!" Well, I have always been partial to anything tiny, fuzzy, and mewling so I jump out of the shower (luckily I was done with washing my hair), semi-dry off and proceed to move at lightening speed putting on sweat pants and fake UGG house shoes. With the towel turbaned in my hair. It's a good look. So I run outside and see that our neighbors have people over. Now granted, our neighbors aren't close, but I'm sure that they saw me and wondered what type of Arabic folk live next door. I didn't care. I had a fuzzy baby to capture and cuddle, much like Elmira on "Tiny Toon Adventures" - "I want to hold him and squeeze him and love him forever and ever and ever..." And the animals run away in a panic. Look it up. We have very similar personalities, Elmira and I.

Chad, for once, was right, and it wasn't a baby oppossum, or, OMG, a rat, it was two very tiny kittens that did not want to be picked up. I disregarded their obvious wishes and snatched them and cuddled them. One was obviously petrified and sat quietly, but the other little devil did everything he could to get away from me. Dang him!

I went out a little while later and found them all curled up beside the house - all three of them. Oh my. I hate cats, can't stand them, but Mama Cat and her brood have stolen my heart. Kittens are just edible little bundles of joy (and not in the Mexican restaurant kind of way).

I'm sure the things have worms or feline AIDS or whatever, but I heart them. I hope Mama Cat forgives me for my overzealousness with her babies and the fact that I accidentally locked her in Chad's truck for 20 minutes last night until he came and opened the door and nearly had a heart attack when Mama Cat jumped on his book bag. But hey, I feed her Fancy Feast. I'm sure that forgives everything. And maybe she will let me love on the little furballs again.

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