Friday, May 15, 2009

A Grey Recap (Spoiled Alert)

For all you crazy Grey's fans out there, don't read ahead if you haven't already seen last night's season finale. I'm just warning you...

Whew! I was very nearly brought to tears by the two hours I spent in front of the TV with hubby last night. And it wasn't entirely because of the show - it was more from the on slaught of commercials every two seconds that made the show almost unbearable to watch. We do need to invest in TiVo or DVR or whatever the latest fad is.

I used to be a hardcore Grey's fan. I even have seasons 1-3 on DVD for my viewing pleasure. But last season I started skipping shows and this season haven't watched a one. Well, let me just tell you that I am begging forgiveness and have come back whole heartedly to the Grey's fan club because of last night's finale.

Is Izzie going to die? How cute was her collection of head scarves, by the way? How mean was Alex when he gave her that terrible speech when he thought she was a vegetable? How about I KNEW it was George that got hit by the bus even though Chad was like, "oh no, he's in surgery with the Chief." Whatever. You should have seen how big his eyes got when George wrote out "007" on Meredith's hand. I was like, "told ya so." This is why men need to listen to women more - we can predict what happens at the end of Thursday night dramas.
Also, what is UP with MerDer? I would just like to say, for the record, that even though the Post-It note scene was sweet and all, they did not REALLY get married. I'm going to need a fancy schmancy wedding and also for Meredith's mouth wrinkles to go away. Isn't she supposed to be a twenty something resident? Sometimes she looks a lot older.
And can I get an AAAMMMEEENNNN on how hot McSteamy continues to be, especially when he's trying to be vulnerable around whatshernameMeredith'ssister. I still look at that girl and see her in that ridiculous movie she was in, "Not Another Teen Movie." She's come a long way!

And that's my recap. You can see why I don't review things for a living. Have a great weekend, ya'll!

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