Wednesday, May 20, 2009

A Little Home Help

I was given a really good piece of advice yesterday. I have gotten to the breaking point over getting the !?*#$@ wallpaper border down from the lofty heights of our kitchen walls, so I began taking a survey of how people get down wall paper border. Amazingly, they said nothing about the $15 we spent at Lowe's on a scorer (I had no ideas what that was until said Lowe's trip) and the overpriced wall paper getting down secret formula that one just HAS to have to get down wallpaper.

Last night I used hot water and Dawn dish detergent in a spray bottle. It worked like a charm and now I am down to the last two walls...I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.

I am really wanting to get the kitchen painted by this weekend because there is a slight chance that we're going to have a Memorial Day cookout and I'm hoping that the newly painted kitchen will draw attention away from the random dryer STILL sitting in our mudroom and our ruined couch and love seat that is now looking even more fetching since we threw some yellow sheets over it. Just call us the "Design on a Penny" team.

Note to self - the next couch we have, put the random sheets on it BEFORE the dogs chew it to shreds. Or maybe, keep the dang dogs off the couch.

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