Thursday, June 18, 2009

Book Review Friday (aka I am sunning myself by the pool)


Has this week dragged on forever or what? And to all you dads out there, including my own dad, step-dad, and husband - Happy Father's Day Weekend! Today, my friends, I am planning on heading to the pool and basking in the super hot date has predicted for our neck of the woods. But, in honor of the weekend, and because I'm sure you're dying to hear my opinon on another category of literary is the category that I would like to refer to as the "Brain Crack" category. Let me explain. These books are just fun. They may or may not be set in reality, may or may not agree with everything that is moral and good, but they will sure keep you entertained!

The Twilight Series - by Stephenie Meyers (Twilight, New Moon, Eclipse, Breaking Dawn)

Yeah. I know you're out there snickering and calling me cliche and blah blah blah because everybody is talking about these books. Fine. Do it. I don't care. But, if you are laughing at haven't read them. And after you DO read them, you will be apologizing to me, much like the slew of friends I have that laughed and then became addicted themselves. These books are fantastic. Literary genius? Um, no. A heck of a good time? Oh yeah. (P.S. DO NOT see the movie until you read the books. Seriously.)

The Sookie Stackhouse Series - by Charlaine Harris

Am I obsessed with vampires, you ask? No, I am not. It just happens to be that the first two entries to this post are a little vampire-centric. Okay, a forewarning about Sookie, lest I someone reads them and then gets mad - they would most definitely be rated an 'R' if I had to rate them. Maybe MAYBE a 'PG-13.' There is some bad language and, ahem, compromising situations. But they are very well-written and there are currently 9 of them available, so Sookie's story is a continuous one. (Fraught with drama, I might add.)

The Bachelorette Party - by Karen McCullah Lutz

This book is laugh out loud funny. It's definitely rated 'R' but it's all in good fun, really. The writer also co-wrote the script to Legally Blonde, if you want some trivia. The dialogue is hilarious - I have probably re-read this book five times and I still giggle.

Brigette Jones's Diary - by Helen Fielding

Classic women's book. That's really all there is to say.

I hope that ya'll find something great to read and enjoy your Friday! :)

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