Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go RIGHT NOW

So when I went to the doctor for my weaning schedule (tee hee hee), I had to bring up another issue, thus bringing me into the realm of the aging and infirm. It was an issue involving what we Southerners call "pee pee." And yes, I'm seriously writing about this and baring all to the blogging community. You're welcome.

This is the deal. A couple of months ago, during Jazzercise, actually, my lower abdomen started ACHING. I mean, it felt like everybody and their mama had popped a squat on my belly. I thought I had pulled something during the ab crunches or something and I just ignored it. And then came...the urge. To, well, pee pee. And when I say pee pee, I mean, I wanted to sit for hours in our bathroom, possibly making myself a new bed beside the toilet. Actually it would be in the bathtub because there is no room by the toilet. I digress. But ya'll, I could not stop going. It was the strangest thing and I had convinced myself that I had cancer and was dying. Right as I was picking out the order of service for my funeral, the symptoms went away. And, being the procrastinator/forgetful person that I am, I threw the thought out of my mind and chalked it up to bad Mexican, a weird sleeping position, or just the dang crunches from Jazzercise.

That was last month. This month, the symptoms came back. With a vengeance. I whined to hubby about it so much that he reminded me a total of 15 times before my appointment to mention my ailments to my doctor. Which I did because honestly, I knew it wasn't bad Mexican that was causing me to urinate steadily all day long. And my doctor told me I probably had a condition called ICS - Intercitial Cystitis Syndrome. Awesome. Bring on the Depends.

I started reading about it yesterday and, honestly ya'll, this condition really does suck. There's no other way to put it. It's random, it can be triggered by some of my favorite things (caffeine, chocolate, SPICY FOOD) and no one really knows the cause. Luckily, there are some things you can do to help, including self-hypnosis. Mmmkay, let my hypnotize my bladder....alllright, all better. Um, no.

Anyway, I didn't know if anyone out there had this same condition...evidently, according to the ICA, 3-8 million women suffer from it. I'm going to research it more and I'll let you know how my pee pee is. I know you're looking forward to updates! Oh - on an even MORE crazy note about this're supposed to drink lots of water to dilute the pee pee. Make sense? Yeah, what does.

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