Wednesday, June 17, 2009



It's a busy, crowded mall. A woman that you think you may recognize if you squint your left eye and tilt your head sideways is waving frantically Um...kay. You start to walk towards her, hoping that when you get closer you will recognize who she is so you don't look like someone with a serious eye/neck condition. And then, from somewhere behind you, someone else runs up to greet the waving woman, and you are stuck there with a big, cheesy grin on your face, feeling like you want to be swallowed through the floor. You have just been hit with a NON-WAVE.

Scenario 2:

Someone is walking by your office/cube/desk and says "hello" or says something nice to, well, you think, it's you. You return the hello/nice comment and turn around or look up, only to realize that that person, who you thought was your biggest fan, is completely unaware of your existence. You have just been introduced to the NON-COMPLIMENT.

Scenario 3:

And my personal favorite...the random IM. You get hit with an IM from someone you vaguely know, but haven't seen in, oh, maybe 10 years but they still manage to appear on your facebook/myspace/linked in/whatever new technology that has developed in the last five minutes that I'm currently unaware of. Conversation is flowing (which is strange because you don't remember a kindred friendship between you and said IMer) and suddenly, one of you says something that triggers an "uh oh, wrong person" button. Embarassment and a subsequent sign off follows. This is INTERTECHNOLOGY MISIDENTIFICATION.

Just some thoughts I had. I've done it. Had it happen to me. Dealt with the red faces...good things.

1 comment:

rloftis said...

oh yeah...these are really embarrassing alright! ;-)