Thursday, June 4, 2009

We All Go A Little Crazy Sometimes

I hit my crazy point yesterday. Some people would not necessarily call it "crazy" but "normal" but to me, it was crazy. I went to Wal-Mart yesterday to buy groceries. And I liked it.

Okay first of all, I have to say that my Wal-Mart experience had something to do with where the Wal-Mart was located. In my neck of the woods, all you have to do is ask someone where the Wal-Mart is located and you can get responses that range from smiles to all out terror.

Take, for instance, the Super Wal-Mart on Woodruff Road. For all you Greenvillians, the mere mention of Woodruff Road may cause heart palpitations. It is, undoubtedly, the most congested road in Greenville - a traffic accident waiting to happen. And I know because I've actually had an accident on Woodruff Road. In front of the Chick-Fil-A if you want to know the spot. It was my fault and had to do with the music selection in my Jeep at the time. But I digress. The Wal-Mart on Woodruff is horrific. Parking a mile away is a given, there are people that randomly dart in front of your car, and the store is spread out in the most random way. Total ugh. It makes me want to scratch my skin off to even think about spending five minutes there.

But, let's move over a few miles to the brand spankin' new Wal-Mart on Pelham. Now, granted, I believe that the niceness of the store has to do with the fact that it's situated randomly and people may not know how to access it. But the rows in the parking lot - wide enough for the idiot in the huge SUV to maneuver in! The store - so fresh and so clean, clean! The much cheaper than Bi-Lo! My verdict...I think I may go back to the Wal-Mart on Pelham. I need to thank Frick 'n Frack for reminding me that the Wal-Mart on Pelham was a better choice.

Also - I found a cute skirt there. I am contemplating going back and purchasing it okay to wear clothes from Wal-Mart? I wear clothes from Target without a second thought. Am I being a superstore brand snot?

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