Thursday, July 16, 2009

Welcome Weekend

I'm sorry I haven't written much lately...honestly, there hasn't been a whole lot to write about. And I'm starting into a harder phase with my "weaning" and, quite frankly, my brain hasn't been up to concentrating on writing because it feels like mush.

Weekend plans...well, since we've been at the lake house for the past two weeks, Chad and I are thinking we'll stay at home this weekend. I am dragging him to see the new Harry Potter movie that just came out and, since I'm off work tomorrow, we're going to save money by going to a matinee. And also sneaking snacks in. We're such rebels.

Also, we just finished up season one of "True Blood" and both of us are hooked. I'm just going to go ahead and say it - it's not the best show to watch if you're looking for something that promotes morality and good behavior. It's pretty graphic on all levels and, quite frankly, it's not something that lifts up our personal beliefs in any way. I just want to make clear to anyone who reads this and starts freaking out that we're watching a show about vampires...I. GET. IT.

My brain is getting mushy again. Hopefully I'll be over this crazy anti-depressant withdrawal hump soon and back to blogging on a regular basis. I'll keep you updated.

Ya'll have a great weekend!

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