Friday, August 21, 2009

All Wee Wee'd Up

It is 12:28 am. When Chad and I decided to go to bed about an hour ago, I hear this from the bedroom..."Oh, Kelley, I am so sorry." Lovely. So I walk in and guess what? The new Pat Conroy is in tatters. Evidently, the wall eating dog has now decided she's more of a book eating dog. Lessons learned from this event: 1. Don't pay $30 for a book 2. Don't get all braggy about it being signed by the author because the page he signed is just as edible as every other page and 3. Don't leave your new book on the bed because obviously anything that's not put up at least six feet off the ground is fair game.

No, I am not giving the dog away. I still love Lucy. My sense of humor is still intact. Barely.

It makes me giggle a little to think of a grown man using this terminology to explain anything...but it makes me wince to think of that man as our president. BUT this post has nothing to do with has EVERYTHING to do with something much better and easier to understand...a big 'ole sale!

SC has a lot of traditional events throughout the year, from Carolina Cup (which I have never been to, by the way, but wish to go if only to purchase a cute dress and large hat) to the Carolina-Clemson game...but one event happening this weekend takes the cake, in my's the Greenville Literacy Association's Annual "Really Good, Really Big, Really Cheap Book Sale" and it is TO-MORROW y'all! I can hardly stand my excitement - even more so than Thanksgiving night when I am about to get up at 3:00 am to meet Frick (and hopefully Frack this year) to be a part of the mob that is Black Friday.

So what's so great about this big 'ole book sale? Well, number one, it is helping a wonderful cause, the Greenville Literacy Association, which does everything from helping people pass their GED to teaching adults to read the written word for the first time.

Number two - for a book lover like me, it is pretty much like having a golden ticket into Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory. You know the part where they see the chocolate river and just have their choice of tasting everything? That's really the only comparison I can give you that describes the feeling I get at this book sale. It really is THAT GOOD OF A SALE, y'all. They have every kind of book you can imagine, from the latest best sellers to classics and they are dirt cheap. I very much enjoy dirt cheap. I bought Pat Conroy's latest, South of Broad, last week and it was $30. Seriously. I never pay that much for a book and usually wait until:

a.) I have a coupon b.) it goes to paperback or c.) someone feels sorry for me and buys it for me as a gift.

I did cave in and get it though because it was his first work of fiction in a very long time and I was able to get a signed copy which I will treasure forever. (I managed to do that because of a great little new & used bookstore that just opened up in our area, Fiction Addiction. It's awesome.) I am still reading it, but will be posting about it soon. The jury is still out on whether or not I like it.

So yes, I am all wee wee'd up to go and get my book sale on. Luckily, my best friend is just as nerdy as I am and we will be standing in line before the doors open, Starbucks in hand. It's going to be an awesome Saturday!

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