Monday, August 24, 2009

A Mish Mash - Bookworm Style

So how about I purchased ten hardback books and three soft cover books for a grand total of $59?! Sounds like a bit, and yes, I did spend more than I intended to, but all in all, I am happy with my new books from the 2009 GLA book sale.

Have you ever been in a giant crowd with a bunch of, well, nerds? Well, that is where Chelle and I found ourselves (and we are not discounting US as non-nerds, to set the record straight). We arrived at the book sale bright and early, at least 25 minutes prior to the doors opening on what, for some, is the highlight of their year (that would include me). We moseyed on up, Starbucks in hand, feeling very prompt and on top of things...and then we noticed that everyone else was carrying luggage. I felt pretty sure that I was in line for a book sale and not at GSP waiting on my flight to the Caribbean. And then it dawned on me - we were mere amateurs and these were SERIOUS book shoppers - ready to make large purchases that required rolling luggage and the possibility hand trucks. Chelle and I just had our Starbucks and a smile.

The doors opened right at 8:30 and we were immediately in the middle of a huge throng of people with thoughts of the latest NYT Bestsellers for $5.00 dancing in their heads. The thing was - it was very well behaved and QUIET for that many people! I am used to mad shoppers getting trampled at Wal-Mart, shouting curse words as they hold on to their deeply discounted flat screen with one hand and fending off possible thieves with the other. This, on the other hand, was a very well-behaved mob of...bookworms. Fast moving, ready to express themselves if they are wronged and you pick up their book, yes, but misbehaving snatchers? Not so much.

While I did begin to feel somewhat claustrophobic and regretful that I wore a shirt that made me sweat as I perused the Trade Paperbacks, I didn't feel the need to punch anyone in the face (well that feeling came over me at least once when several big bottomed women wouldn't make room for me to browse the Nicholas Sparks books and I think it came over Chelle when she was unable to peacefully look at the titles in the Cookbook section. I do have to say that the Nicholas Sparks situation was averted because of my calmer and taller friend).

We were finished with the whole shebang in 45 minutes and left with a loot that will keep both of us in reading material for the next 6-8 months. Just in time to start planning our strategy for the GLA Book Sale 2010.

And yes, our new strategy will involve luggage with wheels. Get ready for it.

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