Monday, August 31, 2009


Well, for anyone who has been following my battles with OCD and coming off of Cymbalta, here is an update:

I am back on my meds. Wow, quick update, right? Unfortunately, it wasn't because the withdrawal symptoms were too much to handle, but because my brain just can't process and filter thoughts like a normal person (but really, who is "normal" per say?). Because I feared for my sanity and my husband's sanity, I went back to my doctor and both of us decided that it would be better for me to go back on the meds and seek further help - namely, a psychiatrist.

Let fear strike a chord in the inner chambers of my heart. I am scared.

Although I am not a stranger to child psychologists (saw 2) and therapists (1 in my twenties) and am a strong advocate of getting the help you need, I have also seen "What About Bob?" one too many times and would very much like to not become Bill Murray's character, alone, with a goldfish and taking baby steps. Yeah, I know it's just a movie, but when you deal with obsessive thoughts that automatically lead you to the WORST POSSIBLE SCENARIO, you think the WORST POSSIBLE SCENARIO.

But, because I love my husband, my family, and above all, ME, I am going to chart new waters and see where that leads me as I continue my journey through OCD. If anyone out there is suffering with the same thing, please drop me a line. Support and understanding is much appreciated.

Wish me luck.

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