Friday, August 28, 2009

A Friday Rant

Things I don't understand:

1. I don't understand why people feel the need to zoom up and tailgate you when they "feel" that you've pulled out in front of them with your car. Just because you "feel" it, doesn't mean it's correct, dude in the truck that irritated me on Monday and that I shot mean looks at when we got on the highway. And yeah, I totally cut you off getting on 385.

2. I don't understand why people say "it is what it is." That has to be the most annoying phrase ever. Um, really, it IS what it IS? Imagine that.

3. I don't understand why kids constantly have to text on their cell phones. They are going to get carpal tunnel by high school graduation.

4. I don't understand zippered cigarette leggings/pants. Real people can't wear them. And the real people that try to wear them are deluded.

5. I don't understand why, every time I'm on my cell phone talking (not texting), the volume of my voice goes up several notches. This has caused several family members and close friends hearing loss. I apologize.

6. I don't understand how I can weigh one thing at 8 am and something completely different (and scary) eight hours later. From now on, I'm just going with my moon weight. Thanks for asking.

7. I don't understand why Hobby Lobby insists on being five holidays ahead of all the other stores. I go outside and it's August and hot. I go inside Hobby Lobby and it's Valentine's Day 2010.

8. I think that speaker phone should be disbanned from offices worldwide. NO ONE. WANTS. TO. HEAR. YOUR. BIDNESS.

9. I don't understand why some shirts make me sweat more than others. Like the one I have on now. It just doesn't make any the amount you sweat correlated to the arm hole in a shirt? Can someone find this out for me?

10. I don't understand why I try and change things up that are perfectly fine as they are. As in, this morning, instead of my usual Starbucks beverage of choice, I chose something completely different. And it tastes of cardboard, despite the copious amounts of sugar I doctored it with. This is why I am a creature of habit.


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