Thursday, August 27, 2009

A Book Review of the Non Tattered Variety

Since my Pat Conroy book was chewed to shreds, I had to start a brand new novel and, lucky for me, I found a copy of Katherine Howe's novel, Physick Book of Deliverance Dane at the GLA's book sale. This was a book that had gotten great reviews and, being the fan of Twilight, Sookie Stackhouse, and Harry Potter, I felt like I was probably going to enjoy the book. Plus, even though it was fiction, it turned out to be based on a lot of historically correct things and I'm always a fan of history.

Okay just a quick note - this book is about the Salem witchtrials, but, more than that, it is about witches. Do I condone witchcraft? No. Am I a practicing Wiccan? Again, no. I did dress up as a witch for Halloween this year, but that is the extent of my involvement in anything relating to the occult, other than my ocassional voodoo practices.

Howe gives a look at the horror of the Salem witch trials and opens up the door for this question - what if there really was witchcraft going on in Salem and it wasn't a bunch of hoopla made up by hormonally charged women, as portrayed by Winona Rider in The Crucible. It is an interesting take on an old (true)story, made all the more interesting, at least to me, when you read Howe's biography - she is related to two of the people convicted of witchcraft during the trials at Salem. I wish I could trace my family history that far back. However, if you type in "moonshine" or "pool shark" on google, you will probably pull up at least one person I'm related to.

I kid.

So the book is good. It's not for everyone, but I enjoyed it. If you've read it, let me know what you think!

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