Wednesday, September 16, 2009

On A Cloudy Day

I think the word "dreary" was based on today's weather. It's just awful, to be perfectly honest, and I can't ever seem to get motivated when the sun is hiding. When days like today come around, I want to spend the whole day in my J.Crew yoga pants and a t-shirt with a good book. Speaking of, my J.Crew yoga pants now have two tiny holes in two very unfortunate places. They are no longer good for anything more than rainy days and to replace them? Well, it would cost $45 at NOT on your life. Perhaps Old Navy has a substitute? Doubtful that they will be as fantastic and friendly as my J.Crew yoga pants (which, let me just say, I got on ebay and did not purchase at the store), but I will try and find a suitable replacement.

I woke up grouchy and pretty much snapped my husband's head off when he informed me (for the third time) what time it was. It wasn't his fault that the alarm clock was going off, I know, but it sure felt that way this morning. My sweet dog did not feel my grouchiness - he continued to snooze, his big block head right on my pillow beside me. And when I finally dragged myself out of bed? Lucy was up on my pillow curled up in a flash.

Evidently cloudy days and holey J.Crew pants don't bother them.

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