Monday, September 14, 2009

Suck It Up (And In)

Because my husband loves me and is awesome, we are doing something new...getting in shape. Since the church thing is going so well (EARLY again on Sunday - what?!) AND we cleaned out my Jeep and took a load of stuff to the Goodwill, we are prepared to tackle the next thing on our lists - the big one. And I don't mean the credit cards we're paying off.

Let's just say that both hubby and I have, ahem, changed since we first laid eyes on each other and fell madly in love. Okay, that last sentence most certainly didn't happen, but the point is, neither one of us is especially happy with our current physique and we are FOR REAL going to do something about it. I lost almost 25 lbs getting in shape for our wedding but every single one of those pounds have come back home to roost. Which is lovely. And I complain about each individual pound daily. And I hear hubby keep saying that he has "moobs" - which he doesn't, but is convinced that he does. So my ex-Marine and I are joining the Wellness Center at his university. And we start our fitness plan of attack tonight. I can already feel that I am going to pass out and possibly smack my adorable husband if he starts pulling some Marine training crap on me.

So, ladies and gents, here is my plan of attack. I am using SparkPeople again, which, if you haven't tried it, is actually a cool and free way to track your fitness and nutritional data each day. Go to to check it out and sign up. I will be using it to track everything that enters my mouth and all the exercise I will be doing. It helps keep you accountable and shows you where you mess up. It helped me lose the weight to walk down the aisle and it will most definitely help me lose the weight to attend my husband's 10 year reunion, which is in one year, and will have Baby Mama in attendance. If THAT is not a reason to become anorexic and get a boob job, I don't know what is. Kidding, y'all, kidding.

In other news, I don't have gall stones. The pains are gone and my blood work came back completely normal. I blame the Mexican food.

Thanks for the prayers!

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