Wednesday, September 30, 2009

We Broke A Promise

Because I was all, "oh, we haven't put ANYTHING on credit cards all year," I felt really guilty and compelled to let you in on something...Hubby and I had to put two things on a credit card this month.

I am feeling your judgement, trust me.

However, I must explain because even though the situation could have been avoided if we had followed Dave Ramsey's $1000 emergency fund plan, we did have a pretty good reason.

Because Chad is going to school on the GI Bill, we depend on our government check every month. Which sucks. Depending on anything for money sucks, but being dependent on a large dumb machine run by crazy beaurocrats in Washington for money to pay our mortgage really, really sucks. Hilariously (not really), Chad was able to switch to a new GI Bill program, which means better benefits for he and our family, but guess what? Our family didn't have the almost $1200 it normally has to pay bills every month.

Uh, yeah. How did we eat? Well, we did (and well, I promise), but in addition to being short on regularly planned money, we also had to spend more - as in $415 more for college text books, or as I like to refer to them, the "highway robbers." Cue Chase to step in and save the day. At a ridiculous APR.

 Oh, and the second purchase? Evidently, you need good anti-virus software for your laptop and when ours began giving us really creppy messages, like "if you don't install this anti-virus program, your computer will shut down, rendering you useless in today's society" we caved and purchased Kapersky 2010. So another $80...yup, we spent it.

Don't worry - some of that money will be going back on our credit card when the money comes in - this week to be exact! I just wanted to let people out there struggling with finances know - sometimes you slip up, whether it's necessary or not. Things happen. Just pick up and keep on going.

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