Thursday, January 28, 2010

Resolution Broken #1

With every New Year's there are resolutions and with every resolution there is failure. I have YET to go an entire year keeping New Year's resolutions. This year it was supposed to be the end of the cigarette.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know you're out there turning up your noses, thinking I'm some white trash trailer park girl with a Marlboro between my lips, yellow nails, and the start of gum disease. Um, I am so not. I am, however, a former college student who spent a year and a half in school in Charleston, SC where smoking cigarettes was just as normal and acceptable as joining a sorority or surfing at Folly's. But since I'm now in my mid-twenties and generally unhealthy, I came to the conclusion that smoking was just adding to the entire demise of me as a person. And the thought of yellow nails scared the crap out of me.

So as of January 1st, I quit.

Except I really haven't. But I have cut back quite a bit, as in, now I just bum off family members and co-workers when I am having a nicfit. I am now down to 2 or 3 ciggies a day, which is good since I had pretty much turned into a smoking chimney right around Christmas time.

Save your judgement. I don't have yellow nails or halitosis yet. And it's only February. I still have 11 months to make good on my resolutions.

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