Thursday, April 30, 2009

Freaky Friday

Well, I haven't purchased the Shred DVD yet, but I'm gonna. I actually went to Target last night with all intentions of buying it and the hand weights, but I didn't. I'm not quite sure why. Maybe I have committment issues? Anyway, I will be going to Jazzercise after work, so I'll get to chassey off the TWO PB&J's I had today. I'm hormonal, ya'll, and I was freakin' hungry. I guess it's just some Progresso soup for dinner tonight. Again.

It's been a pretty boring week for me, and, unfortunately for all you readers too. Sorry about that. I would fill you in on my internal debate on whether or not to buy a cobalt blue and white apple to go in my kitchen today at lunch (it was $5.99 at the Maxx, FYI), but I will spare you. I didn't buy it, by the way, in case you were waiting on the outcome at the edge of your seat.

I've thought about maybe posting some fun fashionista ideas on Fridays, but Big Mama already does that and does a dang good job of it as well, seeing as how I purchased one of her suggestions last week. If you haven't been reading your weekly dose of Fashion Friday's, you probably should so you can be broke like me!

Oh - does anyone have opinions on old school Ray Ban Wayfarers? I mean, I'm thinking that I'm becoming slightly obsessed with them, but I don't know if I want to commit to buying the real thing (see committment issue above). Also I'm not sure if I'm spelling "committment" right.

For goodness sake, have a great weekend.

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