Monday, May 4, 2009

Just Like Ridin' A Bike

Well, ya'll, it's Monday morning. And can I just say that last week did wonders for my figure (despite the absence of Jillian and her shred) but that I ruined it all with the following menu from Saturday to Sunday: McDonald's Chicken Nuggets/Fries (I refuse to eat a cheeseburger there ever again because of an incident involving Frack, a quarter pounder, and an unidentified piece of something embedded in her meat), Chick Fil A Number 1 and a brownie a la mode, and Cracker Barrel for Sunday dinner. Throw in an old fashioned from Dunkin' Donuts and we have ourselves a fat butt for the summer. Awesome. But tonight the Jazzercise Nazi performs on Woodruff Road, so hopefully some of those calories will just melt off like buttah.

It was a Chadee weekend this weekend and despite it being cut short due to something going on with her stomach (please pray, ya'll...test results come back this week and we are all anxious), we had a grand 'ole time. And something that is eventful in every child's life happened to Miss Bug. Chadee Bug that is. She learned how to ride a bike without training wheels.

Do ya'll remember how important your bike was to you growing up? Hubby and I have had many a conversation about how "back in the good 'ole days, we rode our bikes everywhere." And by everywhere I mean I rode my back down the street to my friend's house to jump on her trampoline. I truly believe that Chad truly believes that he lived through the Depression era and was forced to ride his back to and from school and then to his after school job as a fountain boy scooping ice cream, a la "It's A Wonderful Life." The point is that both of us felt like our bikes were a huge part of the growing up process and I know that it bothered Chad that Chadee could not ride without training wheels.

He got his wish to teach her one of his favorite things on Saturday and she was an apt pupil. She got on that bike and with practically no help at all, was off and riding. And loving every minute of it. The look on hubby's face was priceless - it was the same face I know my own dad made when he finally let go and let me ride on my own, waaay back when. He whooped it up in SIL's cul-de-sac and there was no doubt that Chadee (and all the neighbors) knew how proud he was of her. And even though both of us knows that riding on her own will mean scraped knees and elbows, those are just the "trophies" of growing up and learning something new.

On Sunday, we went to church with my step-mom to see my sister, GJ, sing with the preschool choir. Sissy did a terrific job - much like I did when I was her age - ha! I'm hoping that if she ever decides to do a solo, maybe to the Christmas classic "What Child Is This", she practices and sings the right words instead of "Whose Child Is This" like I did when I was singing in church as a kid. True story.

Anyway, I hope ya'll had a terrific weekend.

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