Friday, May 29, 2009

Kitchen Woes & Dog Foes

First of all, it has been a week on my recently reduced prescription of Cymbalta and I have yet to jump off a building somewhere or gauge my eyeballs out. No withdrawals! Three more weeks until my doctor's appointment and the next step to being drug free.

In other news, a small slice of border still hangs forlornly to our kitchen walls and there is no end in sight to this god awful idea I had to redo our kitchen. Not even really redo...just make...prettier. One of my dad's friends who is a skilled cabinet maker is coming over on Monday night to take measurements for our new pantry! We are removing the office nook area that sits weirdly beside our fridge which will be a great spot for some extra kitchen storage. And, since we converted our sunroom into an office/reading room/sewing room (when I get some time to actually take sewing lessons), everything will have its own space. Thank goodness. OH - got a fantastic deal yesterday that needs to be shared because I'm so proud of it.

I purchased this desk from Target when furnishing our sunroom and I believe I paid $115 for it because it was on sale. Since we are moving our office from our kitchen, I needed a file cabinet to go with it. Can I just say that file cabinets are really expensive? Like $150 expensive brand new from Target? So I improvised. I went to a used office supply place yesterday and got an old black file cabinet for $16. No lie. It just need a little TLC and black spray paint and it will be good to go. It even has those adorable tag holders that I'm going to write on to make it look "retro" because, well, it is retro! After I'm done, I hope it looks like something similiar to this. I hope.

On to the dog woes. Lucy is nuts. She ate our kitchen wall. Twice. Like, to the sheetrock. How do you eat a wall, I ask you? I'm thinking of giving her away. Not really because it wouldn't repair my wall anyway, but for GOSH SAKES. Hopefully Chad is as good with patching walls as he is with getting into school. If so, then the situation can be resolved peacefully.

Ya'll have a good weekend and wish me luck on my spray painting venture!

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