Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Little Student That Could

It is a momentous moment in time for us. My husband got his acceptance letter from USC Upstate yesterday and will be transferring there in the fall!!! The end is somewhat in sight to this college journey I began in 2001 and Chad joined me on in 2005. And the angel chorus sings!

Thankfully, he still has a few more years left since the teaching job market in SC is so crappy. He's also planning on getting his Master's while teaching the first couple of years, so any monetary donations to the "We Need To Eat" fund would be graciously appreciated. In all seriousness, I do want him to get his Master's. It's amazing what a few extra classes will give you - not only knowledge that you probably won't use, but a pretty big salary jump and, of course, that extra piece of paper to have hanging on the wall. I was really against the idea of Chad teaching to begin with, but his enthusiasm is catching. At least it was until I was walking out the door this morning and he said "in a few years, I'll be staying home during the summers with the kids!"

Is it wrong of me to be jealous already? Oh well, he did go and fight for my freedom to complain, so I guess he deserves the summers off. Congrats, honey! I'm proud of you!

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