Friday, May 29, 2009

That's Life

Well, ya'll, it's been a dramatic freakin' day. 'Ole hubby got hit by the recession monster...he lost his job today. Yes, it's only part time, yes I know I'm super blessed because I have an awesome job, and even more super blessed because Chad has all his college tuition taken care of (I mean, he did risk his life in a war and all, but ya know, he gets a free edjimication out of it!). It's still a shock to hear the love of your life sounding so low during a random call at 10:30 in the a.m. And an even bigger shock to completely reevaluate your next month's budget when almost a grand is being depleted from your funds.

But guess what? We're going to make it. If it means being a couponing/spray painting/dumpster divin' Southern belle, we will make it. And be stronger people for it. This is the second lay off we've experienced together since our engagement last year and I'm sure it won't be our last. Through all of this, we still have each other (cue in "I've Got You Babe" and hand me a Cher wig) and our wall eating dogs.


Anonymous said...

I'll be thinking about you guys in this challenging time. Keep your head up!

Leslie said...

My hubby and I have a theme song. You and Chad could adopt it as your theme song too, at least temporarily...."Eventhough we ain't got money, I'm so in love with ya honey..."