Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Book Suggestions - Christian

Wow, I certainly won't win any awards with that boring blog title. Lucky for ya'll, the books below are most certainly NOT boring.

Redeeming Love - Francine Rivers

A very good friend of mine, KT, told me about this book back in the summer of 2003, when I was going through one of the most difficult times of my life. I was at the beach on a girl's weekend and spent the entire time with my nose in this book and have been recommending it to everyone and their mama ever since. It is an absolutely beautiful love story that is so greatly written that you will not notice that it is a gazillion pages long. Read it. Be blessed by Mrs. Rivers' words.

This Present Darkness - Frank Peretti

This is a work of fiction; however it is a very powerful portrayal of spiritual warfare. It is not for the faint of heart and not for folks who aren't prepared, after reading, to be able to recognize that there is a spiritual war going on, even if we can't see it. It's good stuff.

Six Hours One Friday - Max Lucado

I really really love Max Lucado. This is a book about the Crucifixition and it is also a reminder of how much God really loves us.

Christy - Catherine Marshall

This is an oldie goldie. Some may remember it as a short lived television series starring Kellie Martin. The book is so much better! About a well to do girl coming to the Appalacians to teach, it is about change, love, and recognizing that God's plan for your life may not be what you thought it was.

Two From Galilee - Marjorie Holmes

Starring Mary and Joseph, this is about them and their relationship prior to and up to the birth of Jesus. It is a sweet, tender story and gives you more insight to what their lives must have been like when they received the news that they were going to be earthly parents to the Son of God.

Read. Enjoy. And let me know what you think!

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