Wednesday, June 24, 2009

No no drama...

Last night was drama, from the time I got off work until the time I laid my head down to sleep. Seriously. I am exhausted this morning from a night that involved a sports store, a forgetful husband, a cop with an attitude, and half of the first episode of "True Blood." Sounds insane, right? Well it is. Like my life in general.

So when I get off work, I call my SIL and decide to go with her to Academy Sports at Westgate (on the other side of the world from Greenville, by the way) in order to get my niece some stuff for a hiking trip. Okay, all is well and good. She comes by my house and picks me up and off we go. Five minutes into the trip, my phone rings and it is hubby, who is done with his Tuesday night class. Our conversation went something like this:

"Did you bring your laptop home?" (him)
"No, I didn't think you needed it since last night you hardly used it for school purposes and spent your time surfing the Internet and we have a computer that is capable of Internet connection taking up precious space in our office until we get a space saving and fabulous laptop."
"Well, I have a project due tonight for that online class."
"Well, the laptop is at work."
"Well, I need it, so what are we going to do?"

Oh. my. goodness. Ladies, do any of you have husbands that are more precious than gold but more forgetful and procrastinating than an I don't know what?

Long story (and conversation) short, we end up getting mad at each other and I spend the rest of the trip to Academy irritated at the thought of having to go back to work for my laptop. SIL drives me back home and I walk in to find that hubby had cleaned the bathroom. Obviously he knew I was ticked off.

So I head BACK on the road with hubby, only to find that the traffic light is blocked by police cars because the light is out and it's a very busy intersection. Neither of us can figure out what to do, so we take a right and then turn around to head back the way we wanted to come initially. And get followed by a cop car. And get pulled over.

Have I mentioned my aversion to the DMV? This kind of plays a part in this story, so let me catch you up. I have had the wrong license tag on my Jeep for, oh, going on three years now. True story. I have the correct license plate in my car, but the stickers are wrong and I just went on my merry way and never had it fixed. I've actually been pulled over (for speeding) and the cop was great about the tag and just told me to go and get it fixed. But I didn't.

Well, last night, we got pulled over by "cop with a 'tude" who had obviously had a bad day and let us have it for not having the right tag on. My ticked off mood became worse because he kept talking to Chad and I was like, "Dude. This is my car. My bad. If you must ticket me, please do, but save the lecture. I can get that from parents." I didn't really say that, but I wanted to. He let us go with a warning and a glare and we drove on in silence, me so angry at myself that I wanted to cry. I hate lectures.

Anywho, we get to work, I run in and get the laptop and get back in and we look at each other and just start cracking up. It felt so much better after that, like life was going to be okay. He stopped by Starbucks to get me a vanilla milk steamer and we went back home, him to do his homework, me to watch the first episode of "True Blood."

I have tried to watch bootlegged copies of this ever since I started reading the Sookie Stackhouse series. Ya'll. This show is weird. I feel guilty watching it because it's so bizarre, like a freakshow.

So, to end the long day, I turned off the weird movie and went to bed. And today is another day.


Ms. Suzanna said...

I thought ya'll lived in Lyman not Greenville?

Kelley said...

We do live in Lyman, but are in G'ville frequently for work, school, etc. :)