Friday, June 26, 2009


I know he was weird, had a stange obsession with facial surgery, and was the fodder for gossip columnists for years. But the death of Michael Jackson has left me really really sad. I called an old friend of mine last night, who shared my love of the MJ classic, "The Way You Make Me Feel" because, as crazy as it sounds, I just wanted to share such a crazy moment in time with her. Thanks Moe. :)

I remember watching Captain EO, the 3-D movie that played at Epcot Center in the mid-80's and being enthralled with MJ (and also the whole aspect of the movie being in 3-D). My parents had the "Thriller" album, and it was one of my favorites to play over and over again, getting all freaked out by the mechanical sounding voice. And of course, the awesome "Thriller" video - that would scare the heck out of me. By the time I watched it, in the later part of the '80's, it wasn't brand new anymore, but it was still creepy. And then of course, there was "Bad" - which we had on cassette. And, in my first year of college, I had roommates who loved MJ, too, and we rocked out to the "Invincible" CD, watching MJ dance with Britney on TV and hoping that he would make a come back.

Despite his eccentric behavior, he really was an icon that spanned generations - both my parent's and my own. There are fewer and fewer artists who have his ability to appeal to so many people and to make music you just want to sing and dance to.

I really hope something funny happens because I'm tired of writing serious posts.

Also, just to clear things up - I do live in Lyman, SC and grew up in Easley. I also lived in Greenville for several years in the middle. I love Greenville, but I also love living in the country and don't think Greenville is a status symbol of any kind - it's just close to my mom and lots of good shopping. I apologize for any confusion. Ya'll have a great weekend!

1 comment:

Katie said...

i agree with you totally!