Monday, August 17, 2009


Hubby and I spent the last three days on a floating spa. Okay, technically it wasn't a floating spa, it was a house boat owned by his aunt and uncle, but it really felt like a floating spa. I have to tell you, in the twenty years that I have been on the lake, I have never set foot in or on a house boat. We used to pile up on the pontoon or Daddy's boat and go ride out to the marinas on Hartwell and just STARE at the giant house boats and even the not so giant house boats and wonder what they looked like on the inside. And then we would see the really dingy, really awful aluminum looking ones (y'all know what I mean, straight 70's!), and start laughing about how if our family had one, THAT'S what it would look like, probably complete with orange shag carpet or something equally horrendous.

Okay, but back to the floating spa, I mean, weekend on the house boat. Captain L, I mean, Uncle L, and First Mate Y, I mean Aunt Y, invited Chad and me, and SIL and BIL down for the weekend. Oh, by the way, Y and L are the reason that we got to spend our honeymoon in fantabulous Mexico and not at our house. So I hold them in pretty high regard, even though this weekend was the only real time I had spent with them since meeting them briefly a year ago dressed as a semi-drunken poofball on my wedding day. I always do so well with first impressions.

I have to say that I was a bit nervous about spending the weekend on such a large vessel that did have the possibility to be tossed about in the waves. I am not known for my gracefulness or coordination and I could see myself crashing into something important and breakable. Or spilling something - that was a definite possiblity. Needless to say, Chad and I brought a bottle of WHITE WINE as a gift and I prayed a lot on the way down...that I wouldn't break anything, fall off the boat, or drink too many alcoholic beverages that would make me feel like I needed to dance to any music that may be playing.

As with most things I worry about, nothing of the sort happened. I didn't even spill anything and my falling was limited to several ungraceful moments on Big Mabel (which was an intertube). The falls of Mabel were warranted and fun though, even though I feel that I have been beaten to death as I type this.

Y and L were tons of fun...they are truly nice people and really hip...they know a lot about all kinds of different things and have traveled extensively and tell great stories. I'm a sucker for a good story. They are also much cooler than I am with their iPhones and iPods and choices of music that made me google "Bossa" as soon as I sat down at my computer this morning. (Seriously, google it. There's like, Bossa Guns 'n Roses, Bossa Stones, etc...I had never heard of it until this weekend.)

So now you know...I walked aboard a floating vessel and didn't fall off. I didn't spill a thing either. I know my mama will be so proud.

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