Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The Grossness of You

I have discovered a lot of things since I got married...actually, since I moved in with Chad two years ago (yes, we lived in sin for a total of 15 1/2 months). The one thing I have learned that keeps rearing its ugly head again and again is that I have a weak stomach. Living with a man does not help matters because when you get married, ladies, IT ALL HANGS OUT. You can take that how you want, but I'm just telling you. Nothing is off limits anymore, except when someone is going number two and YOU. HAVE. TO. CLEAN. THE. TOILET. Sometimes its more than I can handle.

For instance: Chad has been developing this respiratory thing that started last Wednesday or Thursday. His nose was clogged and then he started coughing this croupy cough that ended with a hacking sound. You can hear the phlegm rattling around and then he coughs it up and I start gagging. I know he can't help it, I know he's sick, and I know that he needs to get it out. But I also know that it sounds absolutely disgusting. It got to the point on Friday when we were driving that I had to cover my ears or risk upchucking my Chick-Fil-A. He couldn't decide whether or not to go to the doctor (why is it such a huge decision, by the way? Just go!) and he called me this morning at work and wanted me to hear how it sounded when he breathed in and out. Nothing like hearing a chest rattle over your Starbucks at 9 am. I STRONGLY encouraged him to go to the doctor. He did and he's going to be just fine with his three prescriptions.

On the other side of things, my hubby and his phlegm doesn't really have it much better. Girls can be pretty gross, too. My hair constantly falls out (I call it molting) and it creeps Chad out. I can't figure out why because it's just hair, but he can't stand it - especially if it gets stuck to the shower curtain. I have seen him literally shiver when he comes in contact with my molted locks of hair.

So between phlegmy coughs and random stray hairs, we are learning to live with the grossness of each other. A lot of married couples of dealt with far grosser things than what I've mentioned, but again, I have a pretty weak stomach. Evidently Chad does, too. Another reason we're perfect for each other.

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