Monday, August 10, 2009

The Office

For some reason, as told on previous postings, Chad and I have become addicted to watching episodes of TV shows. First it was "Big Love" then it was "True Blood" and now? It's "The Office."

I blame Netflix and its really cool tekkie ability to stream tons of stuff to your computer ON TOP of shipping us movies for the incredibly low price of $14.83 per month AND NO LATE FEES. Can you tell I'm a Netflix fan? I was a little late in coming to the party, but now that I'm here, I'm having fun with it. And I have been sitting with my husband for (I kid you not) for like 3 hours at a time catching up on "The Office." We started with Season 1 and we're now on Season 3 and can I just tell you that there are 89,000 episodes per season?

For those of you who have been living under a rock and don't know what "The Office" is, let me give you a brief recap. It's like a faux documentary of, well, a typical corporate American office, complete with all the personality types and drama that goes along with cooping a group of grown-ups together for 40+ hours a week. It's funny if you haven't experienced corporate America. But if you HAVE or the corporate world runs your present's pretty much like the holy grail of comedy. Steve Carrell, who plays the main character Michael Scott, is a genius. (You may remember him from the "40 Year Old Virgin" as the wearer of the "man vest." If you don't know what I'm talking about, please go rent the movie. You will laugh until you can't breathe. It's my mom's favorite.)

I think fellow fans of the show would agree that it's much closer to the truth than not. From the office romances (why yes, Chad and I really were in a "Pam/Jim" situation) to the coworkers who are completely nuts, it's closer to reality than say, "Grey's Anatomy." (Okay I'm sorry. I've seen some hot doctors, but that many in close proximity to each other? Whatever.)

The reason for this post? Work has been kind of slow lately and I keep drawing comparisons to people I work with to characters on the show. It's keeping me busy.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

One of my favorite shows!