Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Newlyweds No More

Hubby and I had a great anniversary weekend, even though it was probably not everyone's typical idea of what a first anniversary weekend should entail. Our romantic day/night was on Friday. Chad brought me flowers at work, we ate lunch, and then he cooked a fantastic meal on Friday night. And that was the end of "us" time.

We had Chad's daughter, C, this weekend and our two nieces spent the night on Saturday and we had to get everyone up and ready for church on Sunday morning. Amazingly, hubby and I accomplished it! I was pretty proud that not only were three kids under the age of 10 up, dressed, and fed by 8:15 am, but we were even on time for church. That has never happened!

After church we ate a delicious brunch at Mimi's Cafe with my mom and step-dad and went back and hung out at their house for a while. They gave us a beautiful anniversary gift - a shadow box that has some of our wedding memorabilia displayed, including the letter Chad gave to me the day of our wedding. It is such a special gift and we have already found a special place for it at home. After spending time with that side of the family, we headed (with two kids in tow) to a friend's going away party. And after THAT, we took the girls home and headed down to the lake house to spend some time with my dad, step-mom, and sister.

We also ate the top tier from our wedding cake. It tasted...different. But, in the name of tradition, we ate a couple of bites and threw the rest away. We also talked about what our "resolutions" were going to be for our second year of marriage:

1. Continue to pay off our credit card debt and get even more serious about it so we can be debt free sooner,

2. Get back in the habit of going to church every Sunday,

3. Set little goals every week for ourselves and accomplish them,

4. Work out together and get in shape.

Wow, sounds like New Year's came early to our household. I can't wait to see what year number two brings!

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