Saturday, September 5, 2009

An Anniversary Love Letter

A Love Letter On Our Anniversary
Dear Chad,
Can you believe that it's been a whole 365 days since THAT day? You know the one I'm talking about...the one that involved so much planning, tears, and stress, but culminated into such a beautiful party on an Indian summer day, celebrating the two of us. Even though there was music and laughter and lots and lots of great food and wine, I was only concerned with you and the forever that we promised each other. I could feel the newness of my wedding band and kept glancing down at it, knowing that this would be the piece of jewelry that would always be the most important to me, not because it sparkled (even though it did and does and I love it) but because it let everyone know that I had been taken out of my former life and placed in a new one as your wife.

And what a year it has been, my love, since that day that we said "I Do." We have a million tiny moments that have made up the tapestry of our first year as man and wife. We traveled to a new country and swam with the dolphins and saw ancient ruins, we celebrated Christmas as newlyweds, we rang in the New Year with those closest to us, we saw C & M say their vows by the ocean, dealt with job issues, then the issue of no job; you finished the first half of your journey to a degree (and I am so proud), we decided to finally be smart about finances and say no to credit cards, and we threw away our couch. We ate a lot of take out and discovered a mutual love for well written television shows. We snuggled with our dogs and you taught me how to be a better parent to your (our) daughter. We talked about the future and dreamed, but lived in the present and loved. I saw you grow closer to my family and I grew closer to yours. We were finally able to go back to the lake house and now you have shared in the memories of such a special part of my childhood. We have started our own traditions as our family. I guess you could say, in this first year, we have truly become one.

There are so many things for us to look forward to in the coming years and also many things that will not be easy to endure and overcome. But I know, because of the love and kindness you've shown me, that we will make it through and be the ones who are not a statistic, but a couple who are looked to as examples of a Christian marriage, planned and ordained by our Lord.

I love you, Baby. Here's to the second year and all the ones to follow. Happy Anniversary. 

1 comment:

Katie said...

Congratulations! What a beautiful letter.