Thursday, September 24, 2009

Sales People Stalkers

I went to Bed Bath & Beyond on my lunch break to grab some needed closet essentials for our house - and also a trash can I found beside a clearance table for $6.98. Score, much? Anyway, I really REALLY hate Bed Bath & Beyond because not only do I feel overwhelmed by the amount of merchandise available to me, but I feel really, uh, STALKED by their sales staff.

Now, don't get me wrong. I am most definitely not a fan of snooty shops where people just look you up and down when you walk through the door and you know they're mentally wondering why you aren't carrying the latest Coach bag or why that stand of your hair is out of place. I avoid those places like the plague (J.Crew at Haywood mall anybody?). But I am also not a fan of feeling like my entrance into a store is going to be lit up by a spotlight and that EVERY SINGLE SALES PERSON is focusing on me. It's like I have a "you will make commission off her" sign on my butt.

I walked into BB&B today and two people yelled a "welcome!" to me. Very loudly. Um...gee, thanks for the welcome, guys and gals. After my face finished turning bright red with embarassment and I scurried on my way with a grin on my face that probably more resembled constipation than genuine friendliness, I found the section I was looking for and the items I needed (after I was "hello" attacked by yet another sales person).

I grabbed the two (small) things and was on my way out the door when I spotted the trash can of my dreams. Well, not really my dreams, but it was cheap, so in a way it was dreamy. After asking a quick question about it, the sales person I was talking to (I think he followed me from the front door or else that store just has a plethora of eager beaver sales people) asked me if I wanted a shopping cart. Since everything I was carrying weighed a total of 3 lbs and the aisles at BB&B are 3 inches wide, I declined. Shopping carts in that store are more hassle than they're worth, but that's another post for another time. I walked a total of two steps and YET ANOTHER sales person spotted me and asked me if I wanted a shopping cart. I almost felt like screaming YES PLEASE, BRING IT! just so they would get the pleasure of bringing me the freaking cart and they would leave me the heck alone already. Instead I just shook my head and ran for the register. Seriously. I ran.

Luckily, I don't think any of the sales people followed me out. However, there are probably some waiting at my house or something, asking if I need help carrying my items in. Because they are cheerful stalkers that way.


Keva Kate said...

You got stalked at BB&B?? That's nuts! I have never been stalked in there! I will admit though, that I love going there because I have about a billion of those 20% coupons (or even better...the $5 of a purchase of $20) to use and they never expire. Even though they do have an expiration date on them, they will still accept them after that date.

I don't ever feel overwhelmed in BB&B, but I do feel that way in large hardware store like Lowe's or Home Depot. I HATE going there. Think about it, what aisle do you go to if you just want some duct tape? :)

Mom said...

I've had the same experience at BBB Kelley...the day I was there, everyone kept asking if I was doing okay (that must have been the team question of the day). By the time I left and got into my car, I grabbed the rearview mirror to see if I looked dead or something. LOL