Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Welcome To Wal-Mart

So I opened an email forward the other day from my friend who doesn't send me forwards unless they are really funny. And this one soooo was. It was a "People You See At Wal-Mart" email and I just about busted a gut laughing. Turns out, there's even a website for it, but it has some bad language on it, so you'll just have to google it if you want to see what I'm talking about (Hint: google "People of Walmart"). Which brings me to my point...why is it that Wal-Mart brings out the freaks in some, the slovenly in others, and the plain out BIZARRE in people, most of those people being, shamefully, from small Southern towns? I just don't understand it. But I kid you not, I will go to Wal-Mart looking like I just rolled out of bed and not think a thing about it. When in Rome and all.

There's just something about Wal-Mart that makes even the classiest among us get in touch with their inner 'neck (aka "redneck"). Your hair needs to be washed? "Oh, we're just goin' to Wal-Mart." You are wearing pajamas and house shoes? "We're just stoppin' by Wal-Mart for a sec." You're in hair rollers? Oh honey, you just fit right in. And sadly enough, you do, judging from the clientele I've seen at our local Wal-Mart (which I will not shop at after dark without my husband and a can of mace - nothing against Wal-Mart in general, but at that particular one, the freaks come out in full force).

It's funny how going going to Target requires much more thought in attire. I mean, one most definitely would not wander around the aisles of Target in pajama bottoms and no bra browsing the Mossimo collection. But seeing a random lady (or man, judging from some of those pictures on that website) doing the same thing at a local Wally World would be just another day.

For two stores that basically offer the same thing - they really are a world apart. Maybe it's because the Mossimo collection has been marked up about 500% times more than the $2 they put into it at some sweat shop down in Mexico while you can still get a good George (probably also made in Mexico) shirt for less than $10.

So which store would I rather shop? Well, it really depends on what I'm wearing and if my hair rollers are in. If they're in, you can find me browsing at Wal-Mart. If I'm trying to be high falutin' and have slapped on some makeup, I'll be over at "the Target."