Wednesday, February 24, 2010

New Adventures

Today is an exciting day for me. I am going to be going to a New Members Meeting with our city's local JL chapter. I am excited, nervous, and truthfully, a little scared to be venturing into new territory to learn about becoming a part of such an exciting and strong group of women.

I haven't been part of a group of women in a long, long time. I don't have very many close friends anymore, mainly due to regular life "clique" of girls in high school have long since disbanded and I keep up with only a few of them via email and Facebook. I became close with a couple of girls during my college years, but no real lasting friendships. I have one best friend who I met when I was 21 and I love her to pieces - the infamous "Chelle" that I mention in posts. Through her, I met some other great girls that she's known since high school and they are wonderful women to be around. And of course, I have my great work girlfriends that make my work days happy - shout out to Frick 'n Frack! And lest I forget, I have my family - my cousins and SIL.

One of my work friends has encouraged me to join the JL for a couple of years now and I am finally taking her advice. I really feel like I need the chance to branch out and meet new people and families...people who are in the same place as me - recently married, in newer careers, and thinking of starting families or have young families. More importantly, I want to give back to the community that has given so much to me.

Volunteerism is such an overlooked and vital part of life, whether it's doing something for someone you know or doing something with a group for a larger organization. It's something that I haven't done on a regular basis and now is the time to do it - no full-time kids and a supportive husband who is busy with school work and won't miss me too much.

It's a win-win...not only do I get to help people by volunteering, hopefully I'll meet some new friends in the process. But just thinking of going to this meeting alone makes my palms sweat...

Say a little prayer! :)

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