Tuesday, February 16, 2010


Ohhhh Valentine's Day...I have never been a big fan of you. Maybe it was because as a kid I felt so much pressure to have a Valentine...and most holidays came and went and I didn't. It really sucked watching friends in high school get flowers or cute cards or jewelry or whatever and I was left with a couple of those yucky Sweethearts. No, it wasn't all bad. My parents never let me down...always giving me a sweet card or a box of chocolates or something...which kind of makes having no Valentine even more pathetic when you're a kid, but looking back, it's just more proof that I have the best parents in the entire universe. Case in point - I was in college and, amazingly, did not have a Valentine and I came home after class to find that my daddy had cooked a special Valentine's Day dinner for us.

Luckily, the good Lord decided to make Valentine's into a real celebration when, four years ago, I started dating my husband. We had only been dating a few months and I just knew that he was the one. Our first Valentine's together, he gave me a beautiful diamond necklace. And then, a year after that, on February 13th (um, we refuse to be a cliche), he proposed.

Needless to say, I have made my peace with this holiday of love...even though it's cheesy, even though it features a fat baby with a weapon and wings. It is another day to celebrate my life with my husband...and eat chocolate. What sucks about that?

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