Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Last night Chad and I went to Fuddrucker's (home over the overpriced cheeseburger) with my mom, step-mom, and little sister. No, that's not the awkward part that the title of this blog suggests. My mom and step-mom get along very well and my mom has become a sort of hybrid aunt/grandmother/very good family friend to my little sister.

No, the awkward moment happened when I came face to face with a guy from college that I haven't seen in four years. No biggie, right? Well, it just so happened that I had kind of a crush on this guy, who was a ministry major when I was going through the wildest part of my "bar fly" stage. He was a really good friend to me throughout some troubling issues I was going through, but we remained just friends, much to my dismay and efforts at trying to make the situation different. He also listened to me spill my emotional guts all over the school library and, dear Lord, I think I cried in front of this guy. Seriously. Needy much?

Thankfully, I am not the same girl I was in college and I was sitting next to the handsome man who is my husband. After college guy left the table and I was able to speak without sounding like an idiot, I leaned over to my husband and explained that I had had a crush on guy in college. And that the feelings hadn't been reciprocated.

And my sweet husband leaned back over and whispered, "what an idiot!"

That is why I love him. Even in the awkward moments.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my word, what a great story!!