Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Celebrate 365 Days

So, as I've mentioned several times already, our first wedding anniversary is coming up (the us is my husband and me, just in case there was some confusion). We really don't have the funds to do anything extravagant...okay, we DEFINITELY don't have the funds to do anything extravagant, but it's still a landmark day and I've been trying to figure out what to do to make the occasion memorable. I mean, 365 days of wedded bliss is pretty huge. Britney didn't even make it a whole week with her first marriage (and her second one wasn't much longer, by the way).

I've done a little research - actually, Chad has, too, I need to give him some credit - and the traditional gift given on a first anniversary is paper. Okay let me just stop and say this - who the HECK sat down and thought up these "proper" gifts? I am all about manners and being proper (even though I still haven't sent out my wedding thank you's, yes Mom, I know you're read this and I've embarrassed you to the point of joining the witness protection program...but you still have all my love), but PAPER? Unless it's money, I'm good on the paper front. Really.

Anyway, Chad and I tried to be creative about a paper buying tickets. However, the only concert that I want to go to is Taylor Swift and if we went without my step-daughter she would develop some sort of anger issue that may not be resolved until her mid-twenties. Also, my husband has been subjected to me singing "Love Story" one too many times. I love him too much to make him go see Taylor Swift with me. I thought about buying tickets to the Atlanta Opera because during his music appreciation class, Chad discovered that he was all about some opera music. Unfortunately, opera music makes me feel like I would rather stick a fork through my eye. Luckily, there aren't any shows playing on September 6, so I have saved myself from having to go to the opera...for now. And I know that I shouldn't say anything until I've experienced it, so when I do go to the opera, I'll probably be on here writing about how much I love it.

Yesterday, Chad mentioned going to the Biltmore House. It's beautiful and I love history, but every time I go, I feel like I'm back on a 5th grade field trip because when you live only an hour away from a house with as much historical significance as Biltmore, the teachers are like, SCORE, and every year you get to go and visit with your class. Well, not every year, but you know. And I feel like the owners of Biltmore are struggling to get people to visit because they keep talking about how they've opened up all these rooms that have never been seen by the public before. I believe they are secretly building more rooms on the sly to drum up business. Stranger things have happened.

So as of today, I am still at a loss on how to honor my husband on our one year anniversary. So if anyone has any ideas, please let me know. Maybe if they had the complimentary wine tasting while ON the house tour, it may shake things up a little....

Also -I got a comment from a reader about great jeans yesterday. She directed me to the site and they sell these jeans at a boutique nearby - I am definitely going to check it out! Thanks!

1 comment:

Ronda B said...

I know what you could do for your anniversary celebration....You and Chad sit down together and write those paper thank you notes! How significant would that be? LOL! Love you.